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Lowcountry Hunt
Annual Hunt Weekend
Packages & Offerings

If you have ridden with us before or are joining Lowcountry Hunt Weekend for the first time, please read through the options below. Note that there are different package options for riders and non-riders.  These packages include all hunt weekend activities and events (Thurs to Sun) and include 3 nights of stabling. Shavings are not included but can be pre-ordered in advance for an additional charge.

If you are leasing a horse, please check with your Lessor to see if stabling accommodations are included as part of your fee schedule.

Please contact Joanna Lacey or Melinda Shambley, MFH  if there are any questions or concerns.

Click Here for Online Registration

Guest Rider Package – $850 

Includes: Thursday night Oyster Roast, Friday lunch, Friday Ratcatcher Hunt and dinner to follow, Saturday Formal Hunt with catered Hunt Breakfast, Saturday evening cocktail party with Silent Auction, Sunday Ratcatcher Hunt with catered breakfast, 3-nights stabling (1 stall, no shavings). Please note that some barns may offer supervised turnout but it is not guaranteed, allotting time for hand grazing or arranging for is always encouraged. 

Please notify Joanna Lacey or Melinda Shambley, if you're a registering for a large group and wish to stable together. 

Guest Junior Rider Package – $700 (18 and under)

Includes: Thursday night oyster roast, Friday Ratcatcher Hunt and breakfast, Saturday Formal Hunt with catered Hunt Breakfast, Saturday evening cocktail party with silent auction, Sunday Ratcatcher Hunt with catered breakfast, 3-nights stabling (1 stall, no shavings). Please note that some barns may offer supervised turnout but it is not guaranteed, allotting time for hand grazing or arranging for is always encouraged. Please note who the junior is traveling with on registration form for stabling and contact purposes.  

Non-Riding Guest (Social) Package - $450.00 Adult/ $325 Junior (18 and under)

Includes: Thursday night oyster roast, Friday lunch, Friday Tally Ho wagon and dinner, Saturday Tally Ho wagon with catered Hunt Breakfast, Saturday evening cocktail party and silent auction, Sunday Tally Ho wagon with catered breakfast. Please note that travel companions/husbands/friends/parents who are in attendance at events must purchase a social package.

Add-On Stabling Services:

  • Extra night Stabling - $50/night

  • Extra Horses are subject to availability ONLY. Please contact Joanna Lacey directly to secure extra stalls.

  • Shavings can be purchased by ordering in advance for $10.00 per bag.

Individual Cap Fee - $200.00 per Adult, $100 per Junior (18 and under)

Includes: Single day Cap Fee and catered Hunt Breakfast following the Hunt 

Rider packages are limited to 85 riders due to limited stabling in the area.

Large groups are encouraged to register and pay early to ensure their spot.  

Stabling will ONLY be assigned if PAID IN FULL.  

If you want to stable with your group, it is suggested that the group send in their registration forms and PAYMENT IN FULL together.

**Please notify Joanna Lacey for groups larger than 10.** 

All Lowcountry Hunt Subscribers Must Register for accurate head counts. 

Lowcountry Hunt Subscribers - Adult - $350

Lowcountry Hunt Subscribers - Junior (18 and Under) - $200

*individual event pricing is available, please mark events or say "ALL" on registration form*


Online Registration Form (Click Here)

Payment Options:


Once your registration form is submitted and you receive a confirmation email, please send in payment to Lowcountry Hunt. All payments are due in full no later than December 27th. 

Please note your name and registration level for payment at the time it is tendered.

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